Monday, November 11, 2013

Turkey Pinch Pot

The holidays are quickly approaching.

I would fail ceramics class if I were in school right now as there is no way on earth that I could 'pinch' myself, let alone a pottery clay figure such as this.


I am constantly stymied at the limitations I have forgotten about since last year's thumbless season. Perhaps my memory is as fleeting as my opposable digit useage this time of year.

It would be interesting to have my family members tape their thumbs and palms securely for a day so they could actually see what it is like for me. Of course, there wouldn't be the twinges and pain that I experience. Or the shock of grabbing something (having forgotten that I can't rely on that pesky old useless digit) and having it fall right out of my graspless clutch. The frantic waving in the air to try to rescue said flying object. The mess that may occur.

Ah shucks, dropped something again.

Seriously. With your thumbs loosely taped to the sides of your palm, try to write your name, pick up a coin, pick up a glass of water and drink, turn a doorknob, use a zipper, button or unbutton clothing, and tie shoe laces. For that matter, try pulling on a pair of tabless boots. If you manage to get your foot in, try to pull it off.

Put a key into your car door or ignition and turn it. Turn on or off the heater and defroster fan, the radio, your lights or wipers. Stop at the gas station and fill up (if you can get that gas cap off). Check your tire pressure. Squeegee your windows clean.

Yep, difficult.

Guess I will have to wait until summer to make those pinch pot ceramics.

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